In my daily routine, I get to meet the most interesting people day in and day out. This morning I got a chance to combine two of my passions into each other. I had a great time @Colvin Motorcycle Company shooting some flat track racers for their upcoming Colvin Motorcycle & WesTen First Annual Motorcycle Show later this month. The WesTen district west of OKC along tenth St. to Lake Overholser which I have shot many times, has aked me to showcase some of the businesses there and their local events throughout the year in 2019. I’ll post some work this year relating to the events that are scheduled as they roll through the office.
The opportunity to do this sort of imagery is what keeps me pounding the streets to keep up in this genre of the photography industry.
Motorcycles and I have had a love/hate relationship since High School. Nothing feels better than cruising around the country on one or getting stuck in the middle of nowhere with one. I have some great times over the years. Motorcyclists are generally helpful and kind people and have a sort of bond between them in the best and worst circumstances. I have always been glad to be a part of it, good times or bad.
As always, feel free to contact me regarding The Most interesting people, bookings or any images on this site.